استشارات نفسية ودعم اجتماعي متكامل

نساعدكم في تحقيق التوازن والاستقرار في حياتكم الأسرية.

من نحن

نؤمن بأهمية الدعم النفسي والاجتماعي لتحسين جودة الحياة وبناء علاقات مستقرة.

A group of people gathered around a table, where a person in the center seems to be receiving comfort or support. The atmosphere appears intimate and focused, with individuals displaying attentive body language.
A group of people gathered around a table, where a person in the center seems to be receiving comfort or support. The atmosphere appears intimate and focused, with individuals displaying attentive body language.

خدماتنا المتنوعة

نقدم استشارات نفسية ودعم للأزواج والأسر لتحقيق التوازن والاستقرار في حياتهم.

استشارات نفسية

استشارات فردية وجماعية لمساعدتك في التغلب على التحديات النفسية والاجتماعية.

A lit candle labeled 'Emotional Support Candle' sits in a shallow wooden dish. Behind it, a classic-style bust and an ornate, antique mirror add to the aesthetic. The background features soft, neutral tones creating a cozy and serene atmosphere.
A lit candle labeled 'Emotional Support Candle' sits in a shallow wooden dish. Behind it, a classic-style bust and an ornate, antique mirror add to the aesthetic. The background features soft, neutral tones creating a cozy and serene atmosphere.
حلول العلاقات

نساعد الأزواج في حل مشكلات العلاقات وتعزيز التفاهم بين الشريكين لتحقيق حياة أفضل.

برامج إرشاد وتأهيل

نقدم برامج متخصصة للأزواج المقبلين على الزواج لضمان بداية صحية لعلاقتهم.
A person gently holds the hand of another seated individual, conveying a sense of comfort and support. The interaction takes place indoors, with a bright window in the background revealing green foliage and an orange railing. The lighting is soft and creates a warm atmosphere.
A person gently holds the hand of another seated individual, conveying a sense of comfort and support. The interaction takes place indoors, with a bright window in the background revealing green foliage and an orange railing. The lighting is soft and creates a warm atmosphere.
A small figurine display shows two figures sitting on a sofa on a wooden base with intricate lace around it. One figure places a comforting hand on the other’s arm, symbolizing support and togetherness. A plaque with an inspirational quote about encouragement and prayer is visible.
A small figurine display shows two figures sitting on a sofa on a wooden base with intricate lace around it. One figure places a comforting hand on the other’s arm, symbolizing support and togetherness. A plaque with an inspirational quote about encouragement and prayer is visible.

الدكتور شادي قدم لي الدعم الذي كنت أحتاجه، وأشعر بتحسن كبير في حياتي.

أحمد العلي

Two individuals are in a hallway with one person sitting against the wall and another standing, reaching out towards the seated person. The seated individual is wearing a hoodie and appears to be in a relaxed but possibly distressed state, while the standing person is leaning forward in an attentive or supportive manner.
Two individuals are in a hallway with one person sitting against the wall and another standing, reaching out towards the seated person. The seated individual is wearing a hoodie and appears to be in a relaxed but possibly distressed state, while the standing person is leaning forward in an attentive or supportive manner.

تجربتي مع العيادة كانت رائعة، ساعدوني في تحسين علاقتي مع زوجتي بشكل كبير.

منى سعيد

Several adults are gathered around a young girl, placing their hands gently on her shoulders in a supportive gesture. They seem to be outdoors, with trees and a small building visible in the background. The scene conveys a sense of care and community.
Several adults are gathered around a young girl, placing their hands gently on her shoulders in a supportive gesture. They seem to be outdoors, with trees and a small building visible in the background. The scene conveys a sense of care and community.

موقع العيادة

تقدم العيادة خدمات نفسية واجتماعية في قطور، مركز طنطا، محافظة الغربية، لدعم الأفراد والأزواج في رحلتهم نحو التوازن.


قطور، مركز طنطا


24 ساعة